Mezcal continues to be the nation’s most exciting spirit category. Bozal bottles intriguing mezcals made from Castilla, Borrego and Cuixe—wild agave varieties hand harvested from often precarious sites on remote mountainsides—but I was particularly smitten by the Coyote variety, harvested from Villa Sola de Vega in Oaxaca. A nuanced smokiness takes a backseat to potent flavors of pear, green herbs, dried earth and dark chocolate. It’s full bodied and rich, perfect for slow sipping under the stars.
Spirits Type:
3 Badge Beverage Corp., Sonoma, CA
$120/750 ml
Jordan Mackay’s writing on wine, spirits and food has appeared in the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Decanter, the Art of Eating and many other publications. While Secrets of the Sommeliers, the book he wrote with Rajat Parr, won a James Beard Award in 2011, it’s certain winemakers that he credits with some of his most important tasting lessons.
This story appears in the print issue of Winter 2017.
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