57th Street Wines - Wine & Spirits Magazine

57th Street Wines

Opened in October 2016 in the space that once housed O’Gara & Wilson, the city’s oldest rare bookstore, 57th Street Wines stands out for a collection of wines as diverse as its Hyde Park neighborhood. Derrick Westbrook, former sommelier at the Michelin-starred Elizabeth, is the wine buyer here, serving the college crowd from the nearby University of Chicago with the same care and respect as he does the wine geeks who come to see what he’s drinking. In addition to a terrific range of $10 wines, the selection goes deep in French classics and newwave California natural wine, with personal favorites like Qaisar Mourvèdre from South Africa and a 1995 Poço do Lobo white from Portugal’s Caves São João mixed in.

This review appears in the print edition of the August 2017 issue.
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