Opened in summer 2018, MyWine is the latest addition to the Budapest wine scene. Two walls of Hungarian wines line the entrance, all available for sit-down or takeout. Spiegelberg, Ráspi, Barta and Kikelet are highlights. The purposely detail-poor wine list, meanwhile, is designed to encourage questions, like “What’s the Lenkey Bombóly 2007 about?” Servers answer by pouring a taste while explaining. Chances are, there will be a winemaker or two hanging about: It has become a new favorite haunt. Small cold plates and probably Budapest’s best artisanal beer selection complete the experience.
Arany János utca 16, Budapest, Hungary
Wine Bar
John Szabo MS is the Toronto-based author of Volcanic Wines (Jacqui Small Publishing 2016), co-founder of Volcanic Wines International, and partner and principal critic at He’s also part-time grapegrower on the limestones of Prince Edward County, Ontario.
This story appears in the print issue of February 2019.
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