MyWine Wine Bar & Shop - Wine & Spirits Magazine

MyWine Wine Bar & Shop

photo by John Szabo, MS

Opened in summer 2018, MyWine is the latest addition to the Budapest wine scene. Two walls of Hungarian wines line the entrance, all available for sit-down or takeout. Spiegelberg, Ráspi, Barta and Kikelet are highlights. The purposely detail-poor wine list, meanwhile, is designed to encourage questions, like “What’s the Lenkey Bombóly 2007 about?” Servers answer by pouring a taste while explaining. Chances are, there will be a winemaker or two hanging about: It has become a new favorite haunt. Small cold plates and probably Budapest’s best artisanal beer selection complete the experience.

Arany János utca 16, Budapest, Hungary

Wine Bar


John Szabo MS is the Toronto-based author of Volcanic Wines (Jacqui Small Publishing 2016), co-founder of Volcanic Wines International, and partner and principal critic at He’s also part-time grapegrower on the limestones of Prince Edward County, Ontario.

This story appears in the print issue of February 2019.
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