For the first time, Outstanding in the Field is taking its outdoor white-tablecloth dinners into the vineyards of Chile and Argentina.
The extension into South America was kick started by Denevan’s brother, Bill, who has worked in Chile for 20-some years as a consultant to organic apple farmers. He’s helped organize a dinner on January 3 at Emiliana Organic Vineyards—the largest biodynamic vineyard in the world—in Chile’s Casablanca Valley; the Argentine dinner will take place on January 7 at Corazon del Sol, which is bringing in Diego Irrera of Francis Mallman’s Siete Fuegos restaurant to cook. To book tickets and view the rest of the 2017 schedule, visit
This is a W&S web exclusive feature.
is W&S’s editor at large and covers the wines of the Mediterranean and Central and Eastern Europe for the magazine.
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