Forced to close tasting rooms due to COVID-19, more than 150 members of the Napa Valley Vintners (NVV) will offer library wines for sale online. The wines will only be available for March 30 and 31 and the sale will be conducted through the NVV site.

On March 19, the NVV cancelled this year’s Auction Napa Valley due to the COVID-19 crisis. During its 40-year history, the auction has raised more than $200 million for community health and children’s education in Napa Valley. In spite of the cancellation, the organizers pledged to match or surpass last year’s contribution; they will be using money from a reserve fund the NVV established years ago. A list of grant recipients can be found here and a list of one-time contributions and strategic initiatives can be found here.
The honorary chairs of the 2020 auctions, the Araujo family, will rejoin as chairs for the 2021 auction, which will take place from June 3 to June 6, 2021.
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