Master Sommelier Richard Betts turned the wine world on its head last year with The Essential Scratch & Sniff Guide to Wine, a funny book packed with more useful information about wine than the title might predict; this year, he takes on whiskey. Filled with insightful information, including simple introductions to differences in grain, wood treatment and location, The Essential Scratch & Sniff Guide to Becoming a Whiskey Know-It-All gives you all you need to pick your brown liquor.

The Essential Scratch & Sniff Guide to Becoming a Whiskey Know-It-All
Author: Richards Betts with
Crystal English Sacca and
Wendy MacNaughton
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Price: $22
Caitlin Griffith knew her future career would entail food and drink when, at the age of six, she munched an anchovy from her father’s Caesar salad thinking it as a small strip of bacon—and was more than pleasantly surprised. While enrolled in New York University’s Food Studies program, she learned the secrets of affinage in the caves of Murray’s Cheese.
This story appears in the print issue of February 2016.
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