The Goods: Little Boo Boo - Wine & Spirits Magazine

The Goods: Little Boo Boo

For the sweet tooth

Little Boo Boo Bakery’s booze-flavored marshmallows make the best-ever adult s’mores and hot cocoa toppings. Hannah Scarritt-Selman works in small batches with flavor combinations that run from gin, grapefruit and basil—light and refreshing enough to eat out of hand—to a rye, honey and lemon combination more suited to hot toddies.

$8 for 4.5 ounces at

This story was featured in W&S Winter 2015.

Caitlin Griffith knew her future career would entail food and drink when, at the age of six, she munched an anchovy from her father’s Caesar salad thinking it as a small strip of bacon—and was more than pleasantly surprised. While enrolled in New York University’s Food Studies program, she learned the secrets of affinage in the caves of Murray’s Cheese.

This story appears in the print issue of Winter 2015.
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